CityRP General Rules & Guidelines

  1. Along with these rules, be sure to read the community-wide rules.

  2. Don't randomly kill people without a valid reason. Valid reasons include (but are not limited to) someone doing something negative to you in the same life, and someone entering your (appropriately marked) KOS zone. Car bombs or other objects that indirectly kill players also apply to this rule.

  3. Don't kill players just because they killed you, and don't keep an event going after you died unless members of your team are still taking part in the event. This is to prevent endless battles from happening.

  4. You can commit crimes as any job, but you still have to perform your assigned duties.

  5. Newly elected mayors are granted a 20 minute cooldown to get things setup. Protesting/raiding/threatening/killing the mayor during this time is not allowed.

  6. Prop surfing is not allowed no matter what. Prop pushing is allowed as long as it doesn't damage other players or their property. Prop climbing is only allowed if it realistically fits in the RP. Example: Prop climbing to get over a fence and break into someone's home is allowed, but prop climbing into the air to escape the police is not allowed.

  7. You are only allowed to respawn your personal vehicle under the following conditions: 1) Your car is missing and nobody told you it was stolen or repossessed; 2) Your car needs towed/repaired but the mechanic is either inactive or won't help you; 3) Your car is permanently destroyed and can only be used again if respawned.

  8. If you restrain a person for an extended period of time by kidnapping, arresting, etc, you or someone you are working with needs to interact with them every 10 minutes or less. If you fail to do so, the restrained player is free to leave without repercussions. If they cannot physically do so, they can contact an admin to set them free.

  9. You cannot obstruct public entities such as the mayor's secretary, drug dealer, iron refiner, shop NPCs, and mining factories for an extended period of time.

  10. Police cannot redo a warrant on someone after the warrant expires unless they have reason to believe the suspect committed a new crime not listed in the previous warrant. Police are allowed to post bounties for wanted players that hitmen can pursue once the warrant expires. This rule does not apply if the suspect is actively committing a crime in front of police as the warrant expires.

  11. OOC chats that appear to be adverts can be used in RP situations. This includes the name of the person who sent it, and the contents of the message itself. (Valid Example: "(OOC) John Miller: selling stolen car at cabins pm for price" This chat would be able to be used by police to conduct an investigation and potentially arrest John.)

  12. Media such as screenshots or videos of RP events may be used for RP purposes (such as evidence in court) as long as the media can be proven to be from the current session. To prove the media is from the current session, there needs to be identifying features within the media itself, and not its metadata.

  13. Hitmen can only accept hits through the official menu. Doing it through voice chat, text chat, or any other means is not allowed.

  14. Cooks cannot deny service or make food stupidly expensive to intentionally starve people.