Along with these rules, be sure to read the community-wide rules. Please also note that these rules currently apply to all of our Minecraft servers. Overhead map images are no longer available on this site. Ask OP to generate one if you would like to see it. Click here for a list of official modpacks.
- Causing heavy damage or completely destroying bases and other player-made structures is only allowed if: A) The structure was declared abandoned by its creator or B) The current owner did something to you that warrants that level of destruction.
- Any structure that you create can be declared as a protected structure if you wish. Protected structures cannot be damaged or looted by anyone, and anyone near a protected structure cannot be damaged. Protected structures have their own rules that you need to follow for it to be considered valid: 1) You must accept all visitors. 2) You cannot set traps or keep dangerous items that could potentially damage players in or around the structure. 3) You cannot use the structure as any kind of base when attacking other players.
- You must get permission from OP before using items that could potentially cause mass destruction, such as nukes or a rapidly spreading infection, to verify that there are no protected structures in the affected area.
- Loot that is taken from an active base must either be put to use, or stored somewhere reasonable. It cannot be destroyed or hidden in a location where its original owner might as well consider it destroyed.