Community Rules

  1. The most important rule to follow in this community is to just be respectful to others and don't be annoying. We don't mind if you break a few rules here and there as long as you aren't doing it to purposefully annoy or harass people and you stop when you're told to.

  2. On Gmod servers, verify the size of your dupe before spawning it to avoid unnecessarily lagging the server, and don't constantly spawn random dupes.

  3. Leaving the server to avoid admin punishments or to negatively affect someone else's experience is not allowed.

  4. Bullying, harassment, and discrimination will not be tolerated. Doing it ironically or as a joke is acceptable as long as the other person knows that and is okay with it.

  5. Do not interact with AFK players, their items, or anything that involves them until they return. This also includes players who aren't on the server at all unless you have their permission, or it is 100% confirmed that they are never returning.

  6. On Gmod servers, you may prop block as long as the area you're blocking off has at least one accessible entrance, or if the props you use are destructible. For an entrance to be considered accessible it must have either a fading door or an open hole that players can walk, jump, crouch, or crawl through. If fading doors are used, they must stay open long enough for at least one person to enter.

  7. Don't abuse bugs/glitches/exploits/etc. If you find one, report it to an admin or the server owner immediately.

  8. Hacking, DDoSing, cheating, or otherwise negatively interfering with a server (including threats) will not be tolerated, and doing so will result in a permanent ban without warning.

  9. Players are granted a full refund on in-game items that they lost due to a bug, invalid kill, server/client crash, connection issue, or other means of unintentionally dying or disconnecting. This does not protect against valid kills and admin punishments.