Half-Life Universe RP Introduction:
Welcome to the Lambda Gaming Half-Life Universe Roleplay server rules and guidelines. First off, it should be noted that our server is like no other out there, so we will do our best to make sure you know everything you need to have an enjoyable experience on the server. However, this guide is not perfect and does not discuss every single detail of the server, so if you have a question that wasn't answered here, feel free to ask in-game or on our Discord. As the name suggests, this server covers some of the major events that have happened throughout the Half-Life series, hence the roleplay name "Half-Life Universe". There are 3 different gamemodes that are packed into one server: (1) Black Mesa RP, (2) City 17 RP, and (3) Outland RP.
Black Mesa RP:
Black Mesa RP, as you might have guessed, takes place at the Black Mesa Research Facility, a massive government-funded science facility located in the middle of the New Mexico desert. The facility has a wide variety of disciplines, but the main focus is teleportation and other research related to Xen, a border world located between universes.
Some of the jobs you can have at Black Mesa include Facility Administrator, Government Man, Security Officer, Survey Team Member, Biochemist, and HECU Marine. More details and the rest of the jobs for this RP can be found with the job rules and guidelines. Teamwork is extremely important in this RP. You will rarely find yourself in a situation that doesn't involve at least one other job.
The facility administrator is in charge of all staff. He can assign preset or custom tasks to certain jobs to help guide players on what to do. Players can also participate in events that can disrupt the workflow of the facility. These events are triggered randomly by the server based on what players are doing, but specific events can be 'nudged' by the Government Man so they take priority.
Players also have a personal budget that they can spend on leisure items and scientific equipment. Funds can be earned by completing events and tasks, or selling unused research items. Most research items are obtained from Xen by the survey team. They have the equipment required to extract these resources from crystal formations and plant life. Aside from selling them for a profit, these resources can also be used by the Biochemist and Weapon Specialist to create unique items.
The ultimate goal is to obtain a highly pure crystal sample from Xen, to be tested in the Anti-Mass Spectrometer (AMS). These samples have a chance of dropping when Xen crystals are mined by survey members. There are two samples that can be placed in the AMS: C17 and C24. Once the test begins and one of the samples is inserted into the AMS, the facility will start to break down and hostile aliens will begin teleporting in and attacking players. Players who escape the facility will be given an HECU role, and will be required to re-enter the facility with the HECU Captain to obtain a nuke and set it off inside the facility. Once the nuke goes off, the server will transition to City 17 RP. The specific map that gets chosen will depend on which sample was inserted into the AMS.
City 17 RP:
City 17 RP takes place in either City 17 or City 24, depending on what sample was inserted into the AMS in BMRP. City 17 is the regular location seen in Half-Life 2, and most areas in the map can be found in the game. City 24 is a more custom spin on the Combine's occupation. It's much more detailed and compact and contains many small hiding spots that makes both the rebels and Combine play a bit differently. Both maps have the same general roleplay environment, so the end goals for both are also the same.
When you first join, you will be a Citizen. You can choose to remain a citizen, join the Combine, or become a more neutral role such as Government Man or Vortigaunt. If you're joining in the early game, there will likely be restrictions on certain jobs. For example, you cannot play as a Combine Soldier or Guard until there is enough rebellion to justify having more powerful units patrolling the streets. Some other jobs including the Cremator and Combine Elite need to be unlocked by a scientist working for the Combine who can research new technologies.
Every citizen has a loyalty level that allows them to perform certain actions depending on the current level. For example, you cannot have any more than 90% loyalty to spawn a rebel crafting table, no more than 25% to become a Resistance Leader, and no more than 50% to craft certain weapons. To reduce your loyalty, you can mine for resources and kill Combine units, but keep in mind that the Combine can force your loyalty to go back up by beating you with a stunstick, arresting you, or killing you. Joining the Combine will set your loyalty to 100% no matter what it was at before.
The ultimate goal is for the citizens to build enough of a resistance to fight back against the Combine, breach the Citadel, and have a scientist craft a decrypter to activate the detonation console and destroy the Citadel. The Combine need to prevent this by raiding rebel bases and doing everything they can to prevent a significant resistance from forming. Once the Citadel is destroyed, the server will transition to Outland RP.
Side note: If you are familiar with HL2RP, you are probably wondering why we chose the name City 17 RP. We did this simply because HL2RP tends to be more detailed and serious, and we chose to make this server semi-serious with less details that restrict player freedom, so we use a different name to avoid being associated with a completely different gamemode.
Outland RP:
Outland RP takes place in the outskirts of City 17, after the citadel explodes and the city is evacuated. When you first join, you will be a Refugee, a neutral party with only a pickaxe. You can choose to stay neutral and go out on your own, or you can join the rebels or Combine.
The map is scattered with loot, resources, and vehicles that can be used to help you survive. Loot can contain food, health, ammo, and batteries for turrets, and will regenerate after 10 minutes as long as players aren't basing nearby. Resources such as iron deposits and trees will drop crafting ingredients when mined, and will automatically regenerate after some time even if there are players nearby. Vehicles spawn with a random amount of health and fuel, and do not respawn. The rebels have the ability to repair and refuel these vehicles.
Both the rebels and the Combine have their own bases. The rebels have access to defensive weapons such as turrets, while the Combine have access to offensive weapons and vehicles such as hunter choppers and striders. The ultimate goal is for the rebels to close the Combine's portal that is partially open above the destroyed Citadel. They can do this in two ways: 1) Launch a rocket from the rebel base, which has a 30 minute warmup time and can be cancelled by the Combine if they manage to breach the base, or 2) Attack the Combine base and destroy their central core, which can be done at any time but is significantly harder as the base is locked down tight.
The rebels have a 1.5 hour time limit to complete either objective. If they run out of time, the Combine will automatically win. Since this server isn't 24/7, and the game has usually gone on for at least a few hours by the time it gets to this point, the session ends and the server closes when one side wins.