HLU RP Chat Commands & Keybindings


F1 - BMRP only. Opens the event menu for the Government Man and the task menu for the Facility Administrator.

F2 - Opens the door management menu. You must be looking at a door that is close to you and ownable for the menu to open.

F3 - Opens the buy menu.

F4 - Opens the job selection menu.

Global Chat Commands

/name - Sets a custom RP name that gets used instead of your Steam name in things such as chat and the scoreboard. Saves between disconnects and level changes.

/job - Sets a custom job title that appears in the scoreboard.

/showid - BMRP only. Displays your name and profession in chat. Useful for identifying yourself at a security checkpoint.

/y [message] - Yell your message. Functions the same as normal text chat except the range is increased.

/w [message] - Whisper your message. Functions the same as normal text chat except the range is decreased.

/me [action] - Used in RP situations to perform an action that may not be possible in-game, such as kicking someone in the nuts.

/ooc [message] - Global chat that can be seen by everyone on the server, no matter how far away from you they are. Not typically used for RP purposes.

// [message] - Alternative to /ooc that is faster to type.

/advert [message] - Similar to /ooc but is used for RP purposes.

/drop - Drops the current weapon you are holding onto the ground. Default weapons such as the physgun, pocket, keys, etc. cannot be dropped.

/setr [channel] - Sets your radio to the specified channel. All players have their radios tuned to channel 42.0 by default.

/r [message] - Broadcasts your message on the currently set radio channel. Useful for communicating with someone without having to meet in-person, but keep in mind that anyone can tune to the channel you're using.

!addons - Opens a link to the server's addon collection in your Steam overlay.

!group - Opens a link to the Lambda Gaming Steam group in your Steam overlay.

!rules - Opens a link to the main HLU RP page on this website in your Steam overlay.

!discord - Prints the link to the Lambda Gaming Discord in your chat.

Job-Specific Chat Commands

Facility Administrator

!alarm - Remotely toggles the facility alarm system.

!announce [announcement] - Initializer for vox commands. Does nothing on its own. Below is a list of available announcements that can be used as arguments.

HECU Captain

!announce [announcement] - Initializer for vox commands. Does nothing on its own. Below is a list of available announcements that can be used as arguments.

Earth's Administrator

!announce [announcement] - Initializer for overwatch commands. Does nothing on its own. Below is a list of available announcements that can be used as arguments.