CityRP is a more realistic take on DarkRP. We like to play it semi-seriously so the server doesn't devolve into complete anarchy all the time and players can still have fun. We run DarkRP as a base so the sandbox features such as the spawn menu and tool gun are available for everyone. We use 4 popular RP maps including Rockford V2, Truenorth, Riverden, and South Side Day. These maps get cycled through every few sessions unless we get enough requests to play on a specific one. Below is a list of the core features. There are many more things to do and interact with aside from these but there are way too many to list here, so if you have a question that isn't answered on this site, don't be afraid to ask an admin!
There are a lot of jobs to choose from, and all of them are detailed in the job list. They are split into 4 categories: Civilians, Emergency Response, Government Officials, and Law Enforcement.
Item Purchasing & Selling
There are several NPCs placed around each map that allow players to buy or sell specific types of items. The supermarket sells general everyday items, the contraband dealer sells illegal items, the car dealer sells vehicles (and rents them to the mechanic), and the drug dealer buys drugs from players, just to name a few. You can view all items and NPCs in the item catalog.
Crafting & Mining
Players are able to purchase a crafting table from the supermarket that can be used to fabricate certain items, mostly weapons. Crafting ingredients can be obtained by crafting, purchasing, or mining them. Wood and iron are the most commonly used ingredients, and are obtained through mining. Wood can be obtained by cutting down trees with red/orange leaves around the map, and iron can be obtained by mining rocks around the map. Rocks can also deposit ores of different rarities. Ores and wood can be put in a cart and sold for a profit at the rock and tree grinders.
Every player has two inventories that they can use to store certain items such as weapons, crafting materials, and drugs. Everything in them will save when you disconnect or the server closes. You can access your main inventory by equipping the inventory weapon and right clicking or holding C. The other inventory you can access is located at the bank. It's separate from the main inventory but it holds a lot more.
Players can buy properties that remain owned by them after they disconnect or the server closes. The buying/selling process is the same as normal DarkRP, except to buy/sell a whole property you only need to interact with the front door. You can identify front doors by the label they have when you look at them; they will always display the default name of the property and its price in red text.
Players can also save entities they own to their properties. To save an entity, hold C and then right click the entity you want to save. A menu should pop up with the first option being to save the entity. If this option does not appear, verify that you own the entity, and that the entity is within the property boundaries by typing !viewproperties in chat. Note that saving an entity prevents it from being moved or manipulated.
Unlike most servers, CityRP does not have dedicated jobs for committing most crimes (hitman is the exception). This is to add an element of surprise to roleplay events. Most criminal abilities are included with jobs within the civilian category such as citizen, mechanic, news reporter, and bus driver. Civilian jobs are not the only ones that can commit crimes, however. For example, police can be corrupt and make drugs, but they are not allowed to commit high-scale crimes such as robbing the bank.
Also unlike most servers, we do not require you to announce crimes such as house raids or robbing the bank. It is up to civilians to report crime as they see it go down. Some things such as ATMs and cars have alarms that can be heard from a certain distance if they are broken into, and higher-scale crimes such as robbing the bank automatically alert the police. The next section will detail some of the crimes you can commit.
Until the mayor changes the laws, players must follow the default laws. Breaking these laws will not get you kicked or banned, but cops on the server may arrest you.
Making Money
There are many legal and illegal ways of making money. Some illegal things you can do include stealing things and selling them, mugging players on the street for cash, kidnapping someone and demanding money for their release, printing money, making/growing drugs and selling them to the drug dealer or other players, robbing the bank, delivering smuggled goods, and becoming a hitman.
Some legal things you can do include playing as a job with a salary, mining ores and wood and selling them at their respective grinders, growing crops and selling their yields to the farmer NPC or other players, fishing, and selling crafted items.
Government & Economy
The mayor on CityRP works a little differently than most servers. He has power over the whole city. What he says, goes. Mayors are democratically elected and do not have any term limits. Anyone can enter a mayor election by interacting with the mayor's secretary at the front desk of city hall. Elections will only take place if there is no active mayor and at least 2 people are running for office. The mayor can also be voted out of office if the majority of citizens think he is doing a bad job.
The mayor has a lot of control over the city's economy. The city bank starts out with $25,000 and can change depending on a number of factors. For example, government and police jobs are paid through the city bank, so the city loses money every 5 minutes to pay for these jobs. The mayor can adjust income, sale, and property taxes to increase or decrease city income. There are also perks that the mayor can choose to alter gameplay elements. For example, choosing the perk that cuts the firefighting budget will increase the city's income, but it will also cause wildfires to occasionally appear, while increasing the firefighting budget makes the city lose income but also makes the fire hose much more effective. Up to three perks can be active at once.